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Randy Asburry, Page 37

A Prayer with 1 Corinthians 12:1-13

The Holy Spirit calls us by the Gospel and enlightens us with His gifts. We pray Him to sanctify us and keep us in the true faith, that we may ever confess, “Jesus is Lord,” and always use our individual gifts not for our own benefit, but for the common …

A Prayer with 1 Corinthians 11:17-34

On the night when He was betrayed, our Lord of life gave the meal of His Body and Blood under bread and wine for us to eat and to drink. We pray Him to grant all who follow Him true faith in His words that they may be worthy and …

A Prayer with 1 Corinthians 10:23-11:16

Our heavenly Father calls us to do all things to His glory and bear witness to His salvation. We pray Him to forgive our faltering witness when we drift along with the fallen world and to strengthen us to show forth His forgiveness and love. Source: “Sacred Meditations Collects” (Daily …