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Randy Asburry, Page 40

A Prayer with Acts 22:17-29

God has established civil authorities as His servants for order in this fallen world. We pray Him to grant us to honor those whom He has placed over us and the wisdom to use civil laws for the purpose of bearing witness to Him and His salvation. Source: “Sacred Meditations …

Proper 12 (2020)

God protects all who trust in Him. Therefore, we pray that He would increase His mercy upon us so that we may pass through the things of this life and yet not lose the things of eternal life. Collect for Proper 12 (the Sunday closest to July 27), from The …

A Prayer with Acts 21:37-22:16

God converted His servant Paul to faith in His Son through the light of the Gospel. We pray Him to shine the light of His forgiveness, life and salvation into our darkness, that we may rejoice in new life with Him. Source: “Sacred Meditations Collects” (Daily Lectionary found in Lutheran …