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Randy Asburry, Page 54

A Prayer with Hebrews 2

God has formed us for Himself, and our hearts are restless until they rest in Him. We pray Him to grant us faith to hear the Word of His salvation, that is, His Son Jesus Christ who has freed us from sin, death, and the devil. Source: “Sacred Meditations Collects” …

Monday in Holy Week (2020)

On this Monday in Holy Week, we pray that we may walk in the way of the cross and find it none other than the way of life and peace. Monday in Holy Week, from The Book of Common Prayer. Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | …

A Prayer with Hebrews 1

God has revealed His gracious will through His only-begotten Son, Jesus Christ. We pray Him to forgive our many sins, protect us from all harm and danger, and strengthen our faith that we may inherit salvation. Source: “Sacred Meditations Collects” (Daily Lectionary found in Lutheran Service Book, pages 299-304 or …