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Randy Asburry, Page 87

A Prayer with Acts 13:42-52

Our heavenly Father fills His disciples with joy and the Holy Spirit. We pray Him to give joy and courage to all pastors and the people they serve to continue in His grace and proclaim His salvation, that many may hear His Word and be found worthy of eternal life. …

A Prayer with Acts 13:13-41

Our merciful Father established Paul and Barnabas to proclaim His promises. As Paul encouraged the people by reciting God’s saving deeds in Jesus Christ, we pray Him to grant us encouragement by hearing His Word. Source: “Sacred Meditations Collects” (Daily Lectionary found in Lutheran Service Book, pages 299-304 or Treasury …

Proper 9 (2019)

God has taught us to love Him and our neighbor. Thus we pray that He would grant us His Holy Spirit, so that we may be devoted to Him and to one another. Collect for Proper 9 (the Sunday closest to July 6), from The Book of Common Prayer. …