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Salvation, Page 16

Loving God Alone-3

Today we continue with Johann Gerhard’s Meditation IX, “Loving God Alone.” In this installment, Gerhard leads us to ponder how God’s love leads us to a saving knowledge of Him and just when loving God alone will be perfected. (Also listen to Part 1 and Part 2.) Source: Sacred Meditations …

Loving God Alone-2

In his Meditation IX, “Loving God Alone,” Johann Gerhard contrasts loving God with loving created things (Listen to part 1 here.). In today’s portion of that meditation, Gerhard stresses that created things cannot love us back. But God does, because He loves us first. Source: Sacred Meditations by Johann Gerhard, …

Loving God Alone-1

“May love bind thee fast to the Lord.” That’s how Johann Gerhard introduces his meditation “Loving God Alone” (Meditation IX). Today we hear part one of that meditation. Here Gerhard contrasts loving God with loving created things. Source: Sacred Meditations by Johann Gerhard, pages 49-50, alt. Play in new …