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God’s Word, Page 16

A Prayer with Acts 9:23-43

God sent Paul and Peter to preach boldly in the name of Jesus and restore people to life. We pray Him to grant us bold and faithful ministers who preach His Word with power and lead us to bear witness to His gifts of forgiveness and life. Source: “Sacred Meditations …

A Prayer with Acts 9:1-22

By the light of His Truth, God converted Paul from persecutor of the Church to proclaimer of the Gospel. We pray Him to grant us joy that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners and that we may bear witness so that others may believe in Him. Source: …

A Prayer with John 21

Our risen Savior and Lord of life restored Peter and sent him and the other apostles to bear witness to His works of salvation. We pray Him to grant us faithful ministers who remain true to His Word and care for His flock. Source: “Sacred Meditations Collects” (Daily Lectionary found …