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God’s Word, Page 28

A Prayer with Romans 1:1-17

By His Gospel, God give salvation to everyone who believes, of all tribes and nations. We thank and praise Him for this undeserved gift, and we implore Him to grant us faith in His righteousness. Source: “Sacred Meditations Collects” (Daily Lectionary found in Lutheran Service Book, pages 299-304 or Treasury …

The Epiphany of Our Lord (2019)

On this Epiphany day, we acknowledge that God has manifested His Son to all the peoples of the earth, and we pray that He would lead us who know Him now by faith to see His glory face to face in eternity. The Epiphany, from The Book of Common Prayer. …

A Prayer with Luke 2:41-52

Our blessed Lord Jesus Christ devoted Himself to His Father’s house and things and grew in wisdom and favor with God and man. We pray that, by His Spirit, He would enlighten us to hold His Word sacred, gladly hear and learn it, and thus grow up into Him. Source: …