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God’s Word, Page 7

A Prayer with Mark 9:1-13

Before He journeyed to the cross, Jesus revealed Himself in radiant glory. We pray that we may listen to Him in all things and thus be fortified to endure suffering in this fallen world before receiving the glory of eternal life. Source: “Sacred Meditations Collects” (Daily Lectionary found in Lutheran …

A Prayer with Mark 8:22-38

Jesus the Christ brought life and immortality to light through His suffering, death and resurrection. We pray Him to open our eyes of faith to see clearly that He alone is our forgiveness, life and salvation. Source: “Sacred Meditations Collects” (Daily Lectionary found in Lutheran Service Book, pages 299-304 or …

A Prayer with Mark 7:24-37

Today we pray that our merciful Lord Jesus Christ, who does all things well, would open our ears to hear His Word and loosen our tongues to proclaim His works of rescuing us from the realm of the old evil foe. Source: “Sacred Meditations Collects” (Daily Lectionary found in Lutheran …