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The Church, Page 9

A Prayer with Revelation 21:1-8

By His incarnation, passion, crucifixion and resurrection our Lord Jesus makes all things new and promises a new heaven and a new earth. We pray that as we await His return in glory, we may endure this fallen world and rejoice in the revealing of His bride, the Church. Source: …

A Prayer with Revelation 19

Salvation, glory and power belong to our God who sent His Son to conquer sin, death and the devil. We pray that He would again send His Son, this time riding in victory, to rescue His bride, the Church. Source: “Sacred Meditations Collects” (Daily Lectionary found in Lutheran Service Book, …

All Saints’ Day (2018)

God has knit together His elect people into one communion in the mystical body of His Son Jesus Christ. We pray that He would give us grace to follow His blessed saints in all virtuous and godly living, that we may come to those unspeakable joys of His eternal kingdom. …