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The Word, Page 7

A Prayer with John 17:1-26

Jesus prayed that we may know the Father as the only true God, and Him (Jesus) whom He sent for us and for our salvation. We pray Him to sanctify and unite His Church in the truth of His Word. Source: “Sacred Meditations Collects” (Daily Lectionary found in Lutheran Service …

A Prayer with Luke 21:20-38

Jesus taught us to watch ourselves and stay awake at all times for His coming. We pray the Father to send His Holy Spirit to strengthen our hearts and grant us the will to serve Him in all things until that Last Day. Source: “Sacred Meditations Collects” (Daily Lectionary found …

A Prayer with Luke 19:29-48

Jesus is our King who came in the name of the Lord, humbly living among us in the flesh and being crucified to bring peace between heaven and earth. We pray Him to come to us now through His Word and Sacraments that we may receive the heavenly peace of …