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The Presentation (February 2)

On this day remember Jesus being presented in the temple (see Luke 2:22-38). We pray that we too may be presented to God with hearts cleansed and made pure by the same Jesus Christ. The Presentation (February 2), from The Book of Common Prayer. Play in new window | …

The Saving Benefits of Christ’s Incarnation, part 3

Johann Gerhard continues pondering the benefits of Christ’s Incarnation. Not only is God’s power in creating us–and giving us flesh and bones–wonderful, but even more wonderful is how God redeems us in Christ Jesus–who becomes flesh of our flesh and bone of our bone. [Part 1]  [Part 2] Source: Sacred …

The Saving Benefits of Christ’s Incarnation, part 2

It was–and is–a great mystery that the Son of God lowered Himself to take on our human flesh. But the greater mystery is WHY? Here Johann Gerhard continues to lead us in pondering the saving benefits of Christ’s incarnation. [Part 1] Source: Sacred Meditations by Johann Gerhard, pages 83-84. …