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Repentance, Page 14

Ash Wednesday (2019)

On this Ash Wednesday, we confess that God hates nothing that He has made and He forgives penitent sinners. We pray that as we confess our sinfulness and wretchedness He would grant us His perfect remission and forgiveness. Ash Wednesday, from The Book of Common Prayer. Play in new …

A Prayer with Romans 12:14-13:14

God gives us parents and other authorities. We pray Him to grant us wise rulers who govern according to His will, lead us to repentance when we dishonor those who are over us, and enable us to honor, serve and obey, love and cherish those whom He lifts up to …

A Prayer with Romans 7:1-20

God gives us His good and wise Law to show us the way of righteousness. We pray Him to grant us repentance when we transgress His Law and bring us to life through the body of His Son Jesus Christ. Source: “Sacred Meditations Collects” (Daily Lectionary found in Lutheran Service …