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Repentance, Page 18

Spiritual Refreshment of the Godly-1

“What is God to the soul? He is its Light, its Healing Balm, its Bread of Life.” That’s how Johann Gerhard begins his Meditation 16 on “The Spiritual Refreshment of the Godly.” Here’s the first part of that meditation. Source: Sacred Meditations by Johann Gerhard, pages 87-88. Play in …

Third Sunday in Lent (2018)

We have no power in ourselves to help ourselves before God. We pray that He would keep us in both body and soul that we may be defended from all adversities and evil thoughts. Third Sunday in Lent, from The Book of Common Prayer. Play in new window | …

Second Sunday in Lent (2018)

God’s glory is always to have mercy. Here we pray that He would be gracious to all of us who have gone astray from His ways and bring us again to embrace the truth of His Word with penitent hearts and steadfast faith. Second Sunday in Lent, from The Book …