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Gospel, Page 16

A Prayer with Luke 10:23-42

Jesus has had compassion on us who have been robbed, stripped and beaten by sin and death. We pray Him to grant us to do the one thing necessary of hearing His Word that we may receive His healing and thus love Him and our neighbors. Source: “Sacred Meditations Collects” …

A Prayer with Luke 9:1-17

Jesus fed the five thousand from five loaves and two fish. Now He feeds us with His Body and Blood under bread and wine. We pray Him to grant us faith to feed on Him that we may have eternal life and be raised up on the Last Day. Source: …

Fourth Sunday of Easter (2020)

Since Jesus the Son of God is our Good Shepherd, we pray that we may hear His voice and follow where He leads. Fourth Sunday of Easter, from The Book of Common Prayer. Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSS | More