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Jesus Christ, Page 27

A Prayer with John 17:1-26

Jesus prayed that we may know the Father as the only true God, and Him (Jesus) whom He sent for us and for our salvation. We pray Him to sanctify and unite His Church in the truth of His Word. Source: “Sacred Meditations Collects” (Daily Lectionary found in Lutheran Service …

A Prayer with John 16:17-33

By His suffering and death Jesus has overcome the world, and He promises to turn our sorrow into joy. We pray Him to grant us peace, be our healing balm in all sorrows, and remain with us until that day when He calls us to His eternal peace. Source: “Sacred …

A Prayer with John 16:1-16

God sends His Holy Spirit to convict the world concerning sin, righteousness, and judgment. We pray Him to show us our sin that we may repent, that He would grant us faith in Jesus’ work of making us righteous, and that He would rescue us from the evil one. Source: …