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Jesus Christ, Page 34

Easter Tuesday (2020)

Our Lord Jesus Christ has destroyed death and brought life and immortality to light. Now that we have been raised with Him, we pray that we may abide in His presence and rejoice in the hope of His eternal glory. Tuesday in Easter Week, from The Book of Common Prayer. …

A Prayer with Hebrews 9

Jesus, high priest of the good things to come, has shed His blood for the forgiveness of our sins. We pray Him, by His Holy Spirit, to purify our consciences and, by His Word and Sacraments, to prepare us for the day of His return. Source: “Sacred Meditations Collects” (Daily …

Easter Monday (2020)

God gave His only-begotten Son to the death of the cross for our redemption and by His glorious resurrection delivered us from the power of our enemy. We pray that we may daily die to sin and live evermore with Him in the joy of His resurrection. Easter Day, from …