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Jesus Christ, Page 8

The Epiphany of Our Lord (2022)

On this Epiphany day, we acknowledge that God has manifested His Son to all the peoples of the earth, and we pray that He would lead us who know Him now by faith to see His glory face to face in eternity. The Epiphany, from The Book of Common Prayer. …

Second Sunday after Christmas (2022)

God wonderfully created and yet more wonderfully restored the dignity of human nature through His incarnate Son. We pray that we may share the divine life of Him who humbled Himself to share our humanity. Second Sunday after Christmas Day, from The Book of Common Prayer. Play in new …

The Holy Name (2022)

God the Father gave His incarnate Son the holy name of Jesus as a sign of our salvation. We pray Him to plant in our hearts the love of Him who is the Savior of the world. The Holy Name (January 1), from The Book of Common Prayer. Play …