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Providence, Page 7

A Prayer with Luke 1:1-25

Our heavenly Father is the Lord of life and forms us and knits us together in our mothers’ wombs. We pray that He would lead us to rejoice in being fearfully and wonderfully made and that He would give us mouths to speak of His wonderful works. Source: “Sacred Meditations …

The Holy Innocents (2019)

Today we remember the slaughter of the holy innocents by King Herod. We pray our gracious God to receive all innocent victims into His arms of mercy, and that He would mightily frustrate evil tyrants and establish His rule of justice, love, and peace. The Holy Innocents (December 28), from …

Thanksgiving Day (2019)

On this Thanksgiving Day we thank our gracious heavenly Father for the fruits of the earth and those who harvest them. We ask Him to make us faithful stewards of His bounty, so that we may provide for our necessities and help those who are in need. Thanksgiving Day, from …