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Repentance, Page 9

A Prayer with Matthew 28:1-20

Our Lord Jesus Christ rose on the third day and overcame the last enemy, death. We pray that we may daily die to sin and rise to new life in Baptism, that we may live with Him in the eternal joys of His resurrection. Source: “Sacred Meditations Collects” (Daily Lectionary …

A Prayer with Matthew 26:57-75

Our Lord Jesus endured betrayal, slander and false witness, and was even denied by one of His disciples. We pray His forgiveness for telling lies about and slandering our neighbors, and ask for mercy, that we may defend and speak well of our neighbors. Source: “Sacred Meditations Collects” (Daily Lectionary …

A Prayer with Matthew 26:20-35

Almighty God gave the Passover meal to His ancient people and delivered them from Egyptian slavery. We pray that we may faithfully receive the new Passover meal of Jesus’ Body and Blood and thus be delivered from our slavery to sin and death. Source: “Sacred Meditations Collects” (Daily Lectionary found …