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End Times

Proper 29 (2023)

God’s will is to restore all things in His beloved Son Jesus Christ. We pray that He may bring us together in unity and free us from our slavery to sin. Collect for Proper 29 (the Sunday closest to November 23), from The Book of Common Prayer. Play in …

Proper 28 (2023)

We call upon the God who caused all the Holy Scriptures to be written for our learning. We ask Him to grant that we may hear, read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest them, so that we may ever hold fast the blessed hope of everlasting life. Collect for Proper 28 …

Proper 27 (2023)

We pray to God who sent His Son into this world to destroy the works of the devil, and we ask Him to make us pure as He is pure, so that we may be made like Him when He comes again. Collect for Proper 27 (the Sunday closest to …