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Jesus Christ, Page 19

Cultivating True Humility, Part 2

Johann Gerhard has encouraged us to cultivate true humility, first, by considering our lowly condition as human beings and, second, by considering the example of Jesus Christ Himself [Part 1]. In today’s meditation, Gerhard points us to lilies and mountain tops to show how God’s grace flows downwards, not upwards. …

Cultivating True Humility, Part 1

“What is Man? What is a Bubble? They are alike Nothing.” Thus Johann Gerhard introduces his Meditation 34 on “The Cultivation of True Humility.” Here’s the first part of that meditation. Source: Sacred Meditations by Johann Gerhard, pages 192-193. Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSS …

Consolation at the Death of Friends, Part 6

Johann Gerhard has been leading us to find consolation at the death of loved ones and friends. As St. Paul wrote, to live is Christ and to die is gain. While death is truly our fiercest enemy, Jesus’ death and resurrection has made it a “port of safety.” Life in …